Sunday, January 30, 2011


Thailand is warm everyday. Most Thai's have never seen snow, except on TV. The 3rd LST Party began with a slide show of snow in Nebraska, and there was plenty of it to see as they also were hearing the song, "Frosty the Snowman". Students were amazed as they saw the piles of snow and the children playing in the snow.

After explaining that winter is a good time to spend time playing indoor games, the LST team introduced them to some new games. The Apples to Apples vocabulary brought many to laughter. Rummy Cube was quickly learned and winners soon emerged. All of those attending also made paper snowflakes while Michelle shared about the snow in Nebraska. There were very talented cutters.

We are now looking forward to another week of readers. This may be a slow week however as many of the Chinese readers are highly involved in the Chinese New year which is February 2. Many of the readers will be performing during the celebration. As these readers were asked about their favorite holiday as they read about the Passover in Luke, most all of them said, the "Chinese Festival", which is their name for the Chinese New Year. This is the most important holiday in China we are told. When they are at home, they receive gifts and have parties at this time.

1 comment:

  1. what a fun thing for you to do with the Thai...I guess you have heard...Nebraska and all the plains states, including Texas, have gotten an arctic blast.

    Sheila, I hope you have had a happy, happy birthday.
