Monday, January 24, 2011


Each week our LST team will host a party for our students and for the church that meets here. This provides time for us to interact with all of our students who can come and for the church to get to know our students. It is a joy to see this happening as it will provide a time for continued help for the students that have indicated an interest in this study after we have to go back to America.

"WORDS AND THINGS" was the theme of our first party. It began with a wordfind using some of the words from the first three lessons in our study of Luke. Many of the students had never seen a word find. As one finished, they helped one another complete the search to receive their tootsie roll, a candy not found in Thailand. They then were divided into groups with letters with which they had to form a word from our lessons. While in their groups they were given Scrabble tiles to make other words and receive points as in the Scrabble game. The team members worked together on this. Not only did the students practice English communication, but they also interacted with the Christian Zone members. This was followed by an activity using selected Proverbs in which they worked with a partner to read and explain what the Proverb meant. We saw a lot of interaction between the members here in Chiang Mai and our readers which was just what we had hoped for and an encouragment to us.

The evening was closed by singing "Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet". That was followed by enjoying Coke Floats together. Many had never experienced that either. They said it was delicious!!

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