Monday, January 5, 2009

Getting Ready

The Nadings and Norrises are busy preparing to go to Bangkok, Thailand. We are looking forward to renewing relationships that were made 3 years ago when we were there. We will be building new relationships with college students at RAM University as well. Preparations are as stressful as traveling. There are many questions??? What do we need to take? What will our living arrangements be while we are there? How many people will want to read with us? How will our social events go? We are thankful for all of the support that we have received from our friends and relatives. Thanks to all of you.


  1. Thanks for the help. It's really cold here today. But that's o.k.--better now than over spring break! Hope you have a comfortable flight(for me that would be an impossible situation since I don't fly). Miss you

  2. Hope you have a safe and uneventful trip! Looking forward to hearing about your trip when you get back! Sherry

  3. Tom and Helen,
    Good News! The Kirkwoods are new Great-Grandparents! Colter Wade(5.14) and Shelby Brooke(5.11). All are doing great and will come home today!

  4. I am so glad to hear you made it there safely. I am looking forward to seeing the updates on the blog. Love you, LeAnn
